Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Latest crisis: solved

Thanks everyone for your comments yesterday. They helped a ton. I've decided to follow the advice of letting go of publishing as a goal for now. I'm just going to immerse myself in writing and reading. Yes, I'll still send stuff out, but I will not worry so much about feeling like I need to publish to be a writer. I also need to WAY stay in the present moment here and not worry so much about what will happen if I don't publish now or in the future, etc. etc.

There's this article in Yoga Journal this month about letting go of things you're stuck on and asking the Universe (God, whatever you want to call it) for help. I find it hard to buy into those kinds of things (the idea of the Universe caring about my problems seems a little, well, odd), but maybe I'll give it a try. Best Blogger Tips


TI said...

Hi Bug. I haven't seen the yoga journal article, but I can vouch for the "letting go to the universe" idea. I have a vase specifically for this purpose. When I want to let something go to the universe, I write it down and drop it in. The physical act of letting it go really helps. And sometimes I go back and look at all of my slips of paper, and it's amazing how many resolved themselves once I stopped putting so much emotional energy into them. Sound hoaky? Maybe. But it works for me. Rational thinking *definitely* has its limits.

TI said...

One more thing about letting it go. It's not necessarily that the Universe cares, but that the Universe is going to take care of it anyway, so you might as well leave it in its hands from the start. Keep at the metta meditation and this will all fall into place. You learn to get less invested in particular outcomes, which is exactly what your "no goals" thing is training you to do.

Writer Bug said...

Thanks TI. Very smart observations, as usual! I like the vase idea. Maybe I'll try that. I can send you a copy of the YJ article if you like...

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling you here.