As a kid, my family travelled only to places within driveable distances from our NY home--Washington D.C., Lake George, even Florida a few times. All five of us smushed into one hotel room--usually with me on the cot since I was the smallest kid and the only girl. I remember the hotels we stayed in much more vividly than the cities we visited. The most important part of any hotel was the pool--was it indoor or out? Did it allow toys? Was there a lifeguard?
Everyday, after swimming for hours until our lips turned blue and our extremities wrinkled, we'd come back to the room and talk about where we would go for dinner, and what mini golf course/ice cream shop/drive in movie we'd go to after that. Every night I would BEG to be allowed to order room service. "It's a rip off!" my dad would shout. But what did I know about how much things cost? $4 for a bagel seemed reasonable to me. And besides, someone brings you food that you can eat in bed in your bathing suit while watching cable TV! Who cares about the price!
He never let me get room service, not even french fries or a soda. And now, every time I travel for business, and even sometimes when I travel with Brian, I'll order a ridculously overpriced sandwhich, and marvel at the fact that I can eat it in bed, even in my bathing suit if I like.

This could make a nice little essay (come to the dark side of nonfiction!) :)
Seriously, I love reflective pieces like this...women's maggies are often looking for such pieces.
Thanks FC! The darkside--I love it!
Well of course, that's the whole point of room service!!
Sometimes is fun to be an adult!
Great first post. Welcome to Sunday Scribblings.
Sometimes is fun to be an adult!
Great first post. Welcome to Sunday Scribblings.
Thanks Jan!
And Verity, welcome! I just read your scribblings on places you've slept--my god, you've traveled! I loved the story about Greece. It reminded me of my honeymoon in the mountains in Italy.
Really, what is better than room service? My favourite RS meal is breakfast - you just fill out that little form, hang it on your door. Magical food service elves collect them during the night, and then at the appointed time the next morning. FRESH! HOT! COFFEE! That you can drink in your PJs in bed, while watching TV.
Great post!
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