Who took my carefree days? When I slept until 11, loafed in my pajama for another few hours, ate dry cereal because I ran out of milk, and then when out to get a few beers with some friends. When I didn't worry at all. When I really believed and lived the stuff in those self-help books that said no matter what your circumstances, you have the choice to be happy or not, choose happy. When I felt like life was as vast as the ocean that I went to visit at least once a week. When I didn't worry about what I'd be when I grew up because that day was so far in the future I couldn't even see it with binoculars.
Who took them? I guess that would be me. The me that worries too much and sleeps too little. The me that never runs out of milk. The me that doesn't see so much choice in her emotions any longer. The me that hasn't been swimming all summer and feels much too much too grown up.

Hey, Bug...that's some pretty powerful kick-ass writing (I smell an essay here!)
Hang in there...the sun returns tomorrow (I don't know about you, but that almost always lifts my spirits).
I'd be annoyed with someone who stole the opportunity to commune with the ocean weekly.
I hate the way I rushed to grow up and spend my adulthood trying to recapture youth. Nobody's fault but mine!
Bug, that's great writing. I agree with FC: there's a personal essay here FOR SURE. TI
Thanks everyone. I'm glad something came of my mopey mood yesterday!
Um...too much nice reassurance. Just get off your ass and take yourself to the beach, CJ!!
Or Walden Pond, which is always closer than you think, and also a great place to get some writing done in between swims. You could be productive at the same time!
The ten minutes you spent worrying in your head about being this new person could have gotten you in the car and 2 miles closer to some water! Get out of your head and get on the road, girl!!
Thanks DJ and Paris... Yeah, it was just a crappy Sunday weather-wise, and I was in a blah mood. And hey, that's OK every once in a while!
I can identify with what you wrote. Sometimes I wonder how on earth I ended up where I am.
Nice writing!
That was actually good stuff you have written....
Keep it up, Bug.
My Sundays generally lead my thoughts to these sorts of things.
I don't ever think I had a truly carefree day, but some people are wired that way.
I am reading some archives:)
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