Saturday, December 02, 2006

Sunday Scribblings: The last hour

This week's Sunday Scribbling topic is The Last Hour.

I was struggling with what to post because I am really not in much of a writing mood this weekend. Luckily, though, I finished a knitting project in the last hour, so I'll post a picture of that. It is an Ipod cover for my friend whose birthday is coming up. (The Ipod cover is on the left, the right is the ball of one of the yarns I used to knit it. My next project is a baby hat and slippers for two babies who are coming to my Christmas party next weekend.
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TI said...

What an interesting knitting project that ipod cover is. Great custom yarn too. I'm sure your friend will love it. Have fun knitting for the babies.

January said...

I can't think of anything to write for Sunday Scribblings either. Hmmmm. I can't knit so I'm screwed.

Cool iPod cover!

Kay Cooke said...

Do iPods need covers? Cool!!!

GoGo said...

nice project done. What a fun thing to do in the last hour...tehe.

none said...

That is the coolest Ipod cover a little furry coat.

You should sell these!

ren powell said...

must be the time of year. getting together advent gifts and everything leave little time and little energy for writing. no energy for knitting, even if I knew how.

claireylove said...

looks like a gorgeous fluffy ladybird :-)
(i really envy craftiness not being very crafty myself!)

wendy said...

that you can knit...I am impressed...That you finish projects...I am AWED!

Writer Bug said...

Thanks everyone!

Repeater said...

Your ipod cover looks suspiciously like the ball of yarn.
(Little joke). Yes, hard weekend to write after getting in the submissions to workshop. What a lot of rewriting I did. Felt good.

Writer Bug said...

LOL. That's why I had to say which was which! I swear, it's cool in person. :)