We had a Christmas party last night, and the reward was getting to talk with people I haven't talked with in a while, including BostonErin, and DJ. It was also nice to chat with my upstairs neighbor over beer, instead of over condo docs and contractor bills, and with my sister-in-law outside of the normal family cauldron. But the punishment for inviting a lot of people was that there were some that I barely got a chance to say hi to.
The punishment for having really high hopes around parties and the holidays is that inevitably the event is disappointing. We were disappointed that a few people who said they'd be there didn't show, and that people left on the early side (a lot before midnight--are we getting too old for late, drunken, silly parties?)
The reward for having high hopes though is that you're an optimistic person in general, so after you wallow a bit in the disappointments, you can spend more time concentrating on the good: Brian made a lot of wonderful food that everyone enjoyed, I got just tipsy enough to laugh a lot but not be hungover today. We got to share our insanely decorated house with friends. We realized the joy in having a Christmas event with friends instead of only with family--the best part being that we could control the guest list and truly be surrounded by people we love.

I'm sorry I missed it! :(
(Sounds like a good time, though!!)
(Yes, I fear we're starting to reach that age where bedtime interferes with party time.)
i love to drink just enough, as you described. A hangover is so awful. Sounds like a fun party, hope the rest of the season is just as nice.
Sounds like a good time was had by all.
hangover suck.
Getting to hang out in an insane decorated house with friends and loved ones is a terrific reward.
I'm sorry I missed it, too!
Hope to get together with you and Erin very soon and celebrate the end of a great year.
Sounds like a great party. Looking forward to ours next Monday. Glad to hear the rewards overcame and exorcised the punishments.
It was nice to meet BostonErin in person. We were both bummed that FC didn't make it and we couldn't meet her! We have some career ideas for her, including a cou to take over the lame(my word)"Bedtime Magic" show! If you're local, you might know what that is...
Thanks CJ! You guys put your house (and food) in a great festive state!
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