This week's prompt is fantasy. I'm going to use it to fantasize about my dream life as a writer, which was prompted by the pangs of jealousy I felt when reading about my friend Erin's wonderful writerly accomplishments. (Is it OK to admit that you're jealous of a friend? It's not that I wish her any ill will AT ALL or don't think she deserves her fabulous life. It's just that I want one of my own, too.)
In my fantasy writing life, I get to:
*publish short stories and essays frequently, and eventually get a book contract.
*teach creative writing in some way
*play a role in some sort of literary journal, even if it's just a college one.
*only take on a minimal amount of non-creative writing work to make extra money.
*get paid to teach at workshops in fabulous places, like Europe.
I think that's it. Is that too much to ask?? :) I don't even need to be famous. Just self-sustaining.
For more writing on the topic of Fantasy, click on the Sunday Scribbling link in the beginning of this post.

Good post, Bug. And with your drive and enthusiasm, I'm sure you'll surpass these goals in no time.
(I may borrow your idea for Sunday Scribblings. Hope that's okay.)
Nice to see Erin get the success she so richly deserves. Our time is coming.
What about writer's colonies? YOu've GOT to include at least a couple of those in your fantasy life.
Ooh! Good idea TI! Love it. And yes, Jan, steal away! And another yes to the fact that it's nice to see Erin's success!
I don't think it's a stretch for you to reach these goals. Maybe a dream vs a fantasy (which to me connotes unreachable goals?) Don't mean to scold, just think you could actually do every single one of those things. I might just print that list out and tack it to my own desk!
I'm flattered by the envy, Bug, but also find it funny...Because I envy YOU! You're immersed in a writing program, writing every day, and don't have to juggle grading papers when you want to do your own work.
*sigh* Grass is always greener, isn't it? : )
(one thing I can say for sure, is that if I can do this, so can you!)
Good take on this post, using it to put in writing your dreams and fantasties. May they all come true!
I like your viewpoint on the topic, and I could certainly adopt your fantasy life as my own! I hope you get to live it for real :)
Can you take me (for free) to those writing seminars you're going to teach in Europe???
You're well on your way!
A bit of fantasy to go with your not so fantastic goals: whilst teaching in Europe you agree to do a weekend writing workshop with a small creative writing group in the heart of France. As you'll be earning so much money on your teaching tour, you only require board, lodge, some beautfiful surroundings and a fountain flowing with best Burgundy wine. A fairy also grants you perfect French just for the weekend.
How about it?
May a fairy grant your fantasies. I think you deserve them :)
I agree with Repeater. Your list is not unachievable. In fact, I think that you will be checking things off of this list in the not-too-distant future. Oh, remember to add: go on a writing retreat with MFA friends once we've graduated!
THanks everyone for your kind words of encouragement. And Erin, I'm so glad you weren't put off by my admission. I woke up this morning wondering if you'd be upset with me (ie, it read like I was jealous of you and NOT happy for you, which I am immensely)and I'm so relieved that you're not!
Wow! Lucky you! How wonderful that you get to do what you love.
Great take on this week's prompt. I agree with most others. THose are all things that seem obatainable at the very least. Maybe you don't get every single one of them but each one individually is certainly 'doable'. Thanks for stopping by.
PS Beautiful and obviously happy dog btw. I am a huge dog lover myself.
I like your fantasy writing life.
I hope they all come true!
Wishing you the best. I know your fantasy will become a reality.
I am so stealing your fantasy life...or, um, sharing it. :)
And I think you are just preparing yourself for your future. Because you can do this.
It sounds to me like you're taking the right steps to make your fantasies your realities - keep it up!
Just keep putting your fantasy writing life out there, and it can happen. Take baby steps toward it every day — anything is possible!
I wish you luck. May those fantasies become real!
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