Since lovely spring weather has finally befallen Boston, I spent a few hours in the garden yesterday. I planted some bulbs, and fertilized the buds that are emerging. I don't know what it is I love about gardening. Being outside is one thing, seeing results of my efforts another. And, though of course I could explain the way plants root and sprout and grow through science, there is a bit of magic there too. I put something that looks like a clove of garlic in the dirt and a few months later yellow and purple and blue flowers wave to people passing my house? Magic I tell you.
(No, that pic is not from my garden. It's not that warm here yet!)

I like your rooted post - I am a wannabe gardner.
And I also like your idea of a perfect day in your intro... take care :)
stop by my blog anytime.
Bulbs are pretty magical and they even multiply under ground. Very cool!
I am always full of admiration and appreciation for anyone who takes the time and money to plant things. You all make the world a much more beautiful place, and it does something for the soul when you can see bursts of color coming from the ground. Thank you for planting things!
I love your take on this week's prompt. Glad you are taking time for yourself to do something you enjoy.
Awesome post.
It's true...how can something so beautiful grow from a little dead thing you plant in the ground?
I love gardening and miss it. The apartment I live in now has very little yard space.
Isn't it fun when something unexpected but beautiful pops up in the garden? We got these beautiful pink and white flowers in the front yard by my mother's 44+ years old roses. I don't know where they came from . . . they just appeared. We didn't plant them and neither did my parents.
My Sunday Scribblings are posted, too. Stop by!
plants and gardens are magical! Nice post!
Plants and flowers do seem magical at times. Swett post.
I walked around my neighborhood and grabbed some awesome photos of daffodils and crocuses in full bloom.
I got really dirty as I prepped my garden plot and the potential made my heart soar.
I agree. There is no science. It IS magic, or at least much more interesting to think so!
Sounds like you had a nice day, CJ!
I wish I wanted to be a gardener- does that count? I guess not, but I am very happy that there are people who do! You make our world more beautiful!
Ahhh. Spring! Thanks for the daffodils and the reminder of why getting into the dirt is relaxing.
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