I read the Sunday Scribbling prompt earlier today, and have been trying to think of a good hair-related tale from my past. This is what I came up with:
I studied abroad in London in the spring of my Junior year. That semester was one of the best times in my life--a whole new continent to explore, a houseful of (mostly) wonderful women, some of whom I'm still good friends with, classes that gave little homework, and no other responsibilities to distract me from my job of having fun and soaking up a new country. I had even left behind my husband (then my boyfriend of 6 months), who, while not a responsibility exactly, did take up a lot of time and energy. (Love ya, bug!)
Since Bug was an ocean away, and since we had decided to stay monogamously together despite that fact, I decided that I would stop shaving my legs, and wouldn't start again until Bug came to visit. It was cold in London in January, when I arrived, and it showed no promise of warming up before March, when Bug's trip was planned. So skirts were out anyway.
My legs itched a bit for the first weeks, not used to so much hair brushing against their skin. But after that, I loved my hairy legs. At the time, I couldn't have told you why, or even why I was trying this fashion experiment of sorts. But looking back I know that it was a small sign of the wonderful freedoms that go along with moving to a place where very few people know your name, let alone your personal hygiene habits.
I shaved a few days before Bug's visit (a small price to pay to see the man you love! And that's not to say he would ever force me to shave anything. But, for better or worse I do buy into the Western culture's view of leg hair just not being sexy on a woman). That night in bed in my nightshirt, it felt nice to let my smooth legs rub up against one another, with no stubble to get snagged on the pills of my tattered sheets. But what was nicer was knowing that, in ways big and small, this was the time to reinvent myself, to try on as many different hats (or hairstyles as it were) as I possibly could.

The things a girl does for true love - is there a better feeling? ... than not prickly legs I mean ...! Love your story!
Thoroughly enjoyed your Sunday Scribble. It's Winter here and I haven't shaved in weeks, but out will come the razor at the first sign of Summer weather. BTW we have a fish called BUG - short for Big Ugly Guy!!
Really enjoyed your post Bug... but sorry -- gross on the hairy leg thing... :(
When it comes to hair on women -- I'm old fashioned, and now, with my wife's help, also very 'modern'.
My wife Kathy has a wonderful head of lovely blond hair -- but from the neck down... hair nowhere... her choice, and I love it! ;)
I never shave in winter and hubby thinks it unattractive so I keep them covered. :) LOVED the picture and post...nice legs!
Haha! This is great. I love that you had a visual aid to go with it.
That is amazing - what a great thing to try...I think. I am still having a hard time imagining how long it would take to get the hair on my legs that long.
Thanks everyone! I thought I wrote this in my original post, but it didn't come through-that pic is not of me! Ha.
great scribble, story and photo!
I have wanted to do that-maybe next winter. My husband would probably be fine with it...I know I would miss the clean shaved feeling though.
I've found that the older I get, the less I shave. That was true until about 6 weeks ago, when we started up the pool for the season. Having the first summer off in a long, long time, I've found myself in bathing suit and shorts so often...and shaving as often as three times over the course of the week. I have shocked myself, frankly.
Sure that pic isn't you...sure...
I don't shave in the winter either! :)
P.S. I almost passed out after we played tennis today! Noon and ninety degrees - what were we thinking??
Interesting to see the way your mind works on this. Personally, it does make any difference whatever for me.
Thanks for the great comments, everyone! I'll pop by your blogs over the week and say hi.
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