My first serious boyfriend and I used to go to the beach together all the time, usually at night with a group of our friends. Innocent kiddies that we were (at that point, at least...) we would play minature golf and take walks in the sand. I have beautiful pictures of all of us on the beach watching the sun come up the day after prom. Another time, during the day, he let me put my hand on his chest while we sunbathed so he had a reverse shadow of my hand on him all summer. (And then I broke his heart and we all moved on with our lives...)
Now, the ocean is still technically close to me. Boston, after all, is a city on the water. But getting to a nice beach is not so easy. It usually entails driving for an hour, spending an insane amount of time trying to find parking, and then walking a mile carrying all your beach crap. No wonder I don't go as much as I used to.
I'm hoping with this post someone will alert me to a close, convenient beach that I just don't know about. Anyone??
For more scribblings on the ocean, click here.

I wish I could. I love a few different beaches around here, but they are all at least 45 minutes away, and $20 to park. :(
It's incredible how you have to pay now just to get on some beaches! Pay to see the ocean!
It seems there are so many different memories about oceans- it's nice to hear yours...
I'm entirely in the wrong part of the world to recommend you a local beach - hope youi find a good, inexpensive one!
ha, you have the other ocean on your coast... but, if you're ever feeling down... make it a point to visit one and I'm sure you'll feel her energy guide you...
"They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot, ...uuuuu lalalala". Rock on Joni!
I enjoyed your post Bug, but I can't help with parking problems -- the beaches in Oregon are wild and free -- and very cold water!
I live too far away from a beach. I wish I was near the sea.
Oh, this reminded me SO much of my childhood and teenhood, when we would all go "down the shore." Now I live in the midwest and there is NO ocean near me. I miss it so much.
Thanks for the memories. Very evocative post.
How romantic and sweet. I lost my virginity on a beach...sigh.
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