Sunday, November 02, 2008

NaNoWriMo: Day 2

Day 2 was harder than day 1. Much. I spent about an hour crying--For various reasons, but among them was the "fact" that I just can't do this. This was after B and I looked around for a good coffee shop to write in. We were in the city, where there are a ton, but they were all crowded. We ended up in a Borders nearer to our house, but I found the space annoying. There were screaming kids for one thing.

But now I'm back home, post cry. There's a fire in the fire place, a screwdriver on the coffee table next to me, and Thai food is on it's way. I decided not to worry about moving the story forward, to just brain dump from the main character's point of view. I'm writing it as a conversation between her and her friend, David. Not sure if it'll go anywhere, but this is all about the word count, right?

So. onward, if not upward. Best Blogger Tips


Writer Bug said...

PS--Though my goal is 3,000 words/weekend day, I only hit 1,500 today. And even that was a stretch. There's always tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

Hang in there!! Remember: it's supposed to be fun. Not perfect. Not salable: just 50,000 words to work with when it's over.

Go WB! go WB!

TI said...

I'm sure there will be many an emotion through this process. Sounds as if your home is 'the perfect place to write'!

Writer Bug said...

Thanks Erin and TI! You're both right--it's not supposed to be good, it's just supposed to be something. And I guess the emotions are just part of the process, as much as I'd like them not to be.