Monday, October 22, 2007

Just say no

I have done a fairly good job of beginning to implement my "policy" of saying no to things I don't have time for/don't want to do. I didn't go meet up with a distant cousin when she unexpectedly came to town, I opted to take a two hour nap instead of shopping with my mom when she was in town (we spent the rest of the weekend together, lest you think I'm an evil daughter), I did not go to my inlaws' for a Wednesday night birthday party, I canceled going to a reading with a friend when I realized my schoolwork was behind, I decided to put off painting the front door/foyer until after my last MFA submission is due.

On the negative side, I did volunteer for a project at work that I'm not sure I really have time for. But it's a writing project, and the type of thing I haven't done in a while, so I don't feel too badly about it.

In general, I feel very good about myself for taking control of my time. I know I have a far way to go--especially in the saying no without guilty area--but I'm getting there. So if I don't blog much or comment on your blog much, note that I'm not ignoring you/being flaking, I'm just "practicing". Best Blogger Tips


DJPare said...

Good for you!

I need one of those naps too!

TI said...

i love this post. What an excellent reminder to practice saying "no". Thanks.

January said...

You get a pass because the World Series is on! Hope you are saying YES to staying home and watching the SOX.