Monday, October 27, 2008

Last class, new beginnings

Tonight was the last class of my Boston Center for Adult Ed class on memoir writing. This is about the 5th time I've taught the class, and every time it is so different. Goes to show you how much the students' personalities affect the classroom.

It's a 4-class course, and I think we might need more classes to really do the topic justice, and get into a better routine for workshopping. But to be honest, that's a big commitment for me. In fact, I'm thinking about proposing a one-shot class for next semester/year in place of this one. I need to brainstorm class ideas that would be satisfying in such a small dose. Maybe something on ways to overcome writers' block. Any other ideas?

Onto new things... It's almost NaNoWriMo time! We have our South Shore group social tomorrow night, which will be held at the wonderful Easton Ames Public Library cottage. I'm hoping this will not only result in my writing a novel, but that I'll also meet some writer friends in my new 'hood. And I'm thrilled that Brian and I are doing it together. It will be fun to work on such an intense project simultaneously. And we'll have an extra motivation--not wanting to fail in front of one another--and extra support, too. Best Blogger Tips


Becca said...

Have fun with your novel writing - I think making it a family and group effort will ensure that you're all successful!

Michelle said...

Christine - Two things.

For a one-class deal, how about something on coming up with a plot. That is my biggest challenge when it comes to writing.

Second - I think I am going to do NANWRIMO too. I tried last year, but failed miserably. Plus, I am not sure of a plot yet. Go figure!

Writer Bug said...

Great idea Michelle! I'll think about that some more... And thanks Becca!