Thursday, January 14, 2010

On a happier note....

I'm not sure why, but I've been daydreaming about planning a birthday party. My birthday is in late June, mind you. And I don't normally even have a party.
But after my last depressing post, I thought I'd post my birthday party wishes. Much nicer than my end of life wishes, no?

I want this cake, as I am an avid (obsessive?) scrabble player:

I would like this shirt as a present, to represent one of my other obsesssions, knitting:

I might ask my guests to come dressed as a favorite literary character, as Kelli of Book of Kells did.

And I would wear a tiara and feather boa All Day Long.

[Edited to add] I forgot about music!! There would be tons of music ala the brother of a friend of mine who is a DJ, and LOTS of dancing. Our living room is rather large and would make an awesome dance space. Those looking for a more mellow time would be hanging outside, under the luminary-lit backyard.

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Idiot Cook said...

That Scrabble cake is awesome!!! :)

Joanne said...

Now that sounds like a fun shindig! Diggin' those heart earrings, too :)

Writer Bug said...

:) I'll be sure to invite you both!